Monday, January 4, 2016

What Year Is It?

 It's 2016! 

Hey everyone! So much has happened since I lasted posted; my blog has been sorely neglected over the past few months. I promise I have a good excuse though - I graduated college last month! The weeks leading up to my graduation and portfolio show (the Art Institutes require a finished portfolio for graduation) were hectic. I got, on average, about 3-4 hours of sleep every night, spent more time at FedEx than any normal person should (and spent a fortune in printing costs), and lived on my computer. I was seriously at the point where I couldn't close my eyes after a while because my eye lids would flicker like I was still looking at a computer screen! 

Despite the busyness though, life has been going so great. My boyfriend Eric and I have some big plans moving into the new year, that I'm excited to share with you all! I'll be doing a much better job at keeping my Instagram updated as well. :) I'm so excited to have time again to do what I love, which brings me to my New Years Resolution - doing what I want! I'm one of those people who let's other peoples' feelings and thoughts influence my own all too often, so my focus on 2016 is going to be to be as selfish as I need. But that's a lot harder than it sounds! 


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