Thursday, March 19, 2015


Lately my life has been a blur of working on finals and rewatching Girls. As you can imagine, that hadn't left much time for taking blog pictures. I'm going to try to be better about that. Bet you've never heard that one from a fashion blogger before! 

Despite the stressors of school and the relationship turmoil among Hannah and her pals, I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I am planning on moving back to Alaska with my wonderful boyfriend after graduation (which is only 8ish months away)! Also, this term I took a class called Writing for Fashion and though I hated actually going to the class, I loved blending my love of words and fashion. I might see about creating a career for myself somewhere between the worlds of writing and style, but of course, that might just be my plan this month. 

I guess I should say a bit about my outfit. I love this top but struggled with it because I don't really like wearing just tank tops under things and typically loathe wearing bras. However, this bra from Victoria's Secret was super easy to wear underneath it, because the light colors blended in just enough but not too much. Also trying the whole literal-boyfriend-boyfriend-jean thing again, and one thing I can say is that it's super convenient to have such deep pockets.

Nike Suede Vintage Sneakers | Eric's Jeans | T-Back Bra (Similar) | Nordstrom Peter Pan Top



  1. So cute! Love the top, your blog name reminds me of my favorite Bob Dylan!

  2. Mackenzie, such a cool outfit! Love the transparent top and the bra! Me myself, I used to often wear a contrasting bra under a sheer blouse. But it was not a very office appropriate look, so I stopped :)))

    BTW, followed you on Chictopia! ;)

  3. Love this sneakers!! ;)
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  4. Boy meets girl is just such a cool look on you....Love the whole bra under top thing too! xx

  5. This is such a cool look - love the top!

  6. Okay, for some stupid reason blogger didn't send me any feeds for your posts, I just saw on Instagram you've posted a ton of stuff that I haven't yet seen! Damn you blogger! Did you change the name of the bloggy or something?
    Any who, now that I'm back on stalking you, have to say I really dig the outfit and wish I could live in Alaska, it's like my dream!!!! *_*
    Okay, need to read all your other posts now, bye for now! :D

  7. Great shoes with the sheer top :)

  8. Those jeans are awesome on you! Especially with the sneakers :)



    My Closet Life Blog

  9. The trainers are such a great colour :) Great outfit :)

    Hannah x
    Paloma in Disguise

  10. I have the exact same pair! I like them, but the cushy exposed bit on the tongue always annoy me. xx

  11. Fell in love with your blog! You do a great job! I know how much time it requires to keep updating your blog, but don’t stop doing it!)

    I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

    Diana Cloudlet

  12. The top is gorgeous. Good choice you made.


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