Thursday, February 6, 2014

Links I Love: February

I had an outfit post planned for you all today, but it's actually a snow blizzard! At least I think it is. I'm not sure what counts for a blizzard in Portland. All I know was school was cancelled for me today (yay!) and I thought today was the perfect opportunity to share with you all some links I love. I haven't done a post like this in a long time, so I'm excited to bring it to you guys on a day where all I feel like doing is playing on my computer and snuggling in my comfiest clothes. If you're having the same kind of day and want a little break from Tumblr or Pinterest (is that even a real feeling?) check these out! 

1. I'm kind of obsessed with Winona Ryder. I'm not sure if that's something I've shared with you all yet, but it's a thing for me. A big thing! I found this awesome slideshow showcasing her style as it's evolved over the years. I was pretty satisfied. Click here to check out Huffington Post's Winona Ryder style evolution slide show!

2. I kind of just want someone to make these "Heart of the Batter" Food Network cupcakes for me, but if that can't happen, the directions seem simple enough to where I'd be up to the task. Hopefully. Maybe?

3. I know I've mentioned my nostalgic love for Nancy Drew computer games, as well as my adoration for the YouTuber Arden Rose. Well, those to things miraculously melded when Arden created her YouTube "Let's Play" channel, ARose Games. For those of you who don't know, a "Let's Play" video is basically a video where the YouTuber plays through the game and provides entertaining commentary. Check out Arden's Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall video for a prime example of girl gamer amazingness.

4. This list of 101 Tips for Healthy Skin is pretty extensive (Obviously, I mean how can you provide 101 items and not be extensive? Seriously.) and actually really informative! I'll have to keep some of these things in mind when washing my face, and when grocery shopping.

5. I'm pretty skeptical of detox regimens, but seeing this Detox guide on Lauren Conrad's site was a breath of fresh air for me. Finally, the results of a detox without feeling like what I'm doing is completely unhealthy and horrible for me in the long run. Thanks for everything you do, Lauren Conrad.

6. Fashion bloggers! Check this one out! It's a list of common posing mistakes from a photographer. Helpful? Yes. Harsh? No! So check it out.

7. I absolutely love this video. I saw it over a month ago, and when I thought of doing a Links I Love post, I knew it had to make the cut. This video features a forensic sketch artist. He asks a woman to explain how she looks and he draws based on the description, and then he asks a friend to describe the same woman. The result is amazing. It's a reminder that we're all our worst critics, and that we're all beautiful.

8. Though this money saving grocery guide is more geared towards family, it's still super helpful. I mean, she saved so much money to feed a family, imagine how much I would save just on feeding myself?! Definitely a great read for people of all ages looking to budget their money better. (Like me. Sad face.)

9. Finally, kick back and relax while playing one of these relaxing online games. Sometimes it's nice to just have some mindless entertainment, and some of them are super cute, so, that's a plus.

There you guys go! Let me know what you think of these links, and if you would like a monthly post like this!
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1 comment

  1. I hate you because I just watched the entire arden rose video and now I'm going to go play nancy drew!


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