Friday, October 18, 2013

Links I Love

Hey everyone. I'm stealing this idea from a bunch of bloggers, because I've seen it done a couple times and every time I do, I think about what a cool idea it is. It might not happen every Friday, but any Friday where I think I've found enough amusing, worth while, entertaining, fashion-y, or share worthy things while surfing the world wide web, I'll definitely do one of these posts! It may be silly, it may be thought provoking, or it may be based on what this blog is all about - fashion and style. You just never know! Anyways, without further ado, here are a few links I'm loving. 

1. I just thought this newspaper print manicure idea was too cute to pass up for this blog post. I think it's especially perfect for fall, considering it's the perfect time to snuggle up with a good book.

2. I don't know about you guys, but I've always wondered where the most famous meme faces ended up. It's weird to me to think that they're actually people. Not in a mean way, just they've brought me so much amusement by being odd and funny, but they're really just regular people! I mean, what if Scumbag Steve isn't... a scumbag? Food for thought.

3. I think this is just the coolest cutest thing I've seen in a long time! Maybe it's just because I'm currently taking a class on Dress & Society, and recognizing these styles of dresses makes it way more fun, but I am loving the historical inspiration for the Disney princesses. Way to go Disney, for always at least trying to be somewhat accurate!

4. I first stumbled across this little comic on depression while searching the web by myself. My boyfriend heard me laughing and so of course, I had to read it to him. I don't know if any of you have ever had depression or anxiety, or if you've known anyone (believe me, I hope you haven't) but this comic was one of those things where it was so true it's funny! (My personal favorite line is when the character states that he looks like some "Eskimo vagrant" - Been there!)

5. Finally, something at least somewhat educational. I couldn't believe some of these beauty tips from around the globe.  Garlic in nail polish? What?

Let me know what you think of posts like "Links I Love"!

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